
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tip #4-M: emotional bastards and neediness

Ok boys, I just keep giving these tips away. Let us just hope that you use them well.
We need to discuss emotion. OK, emotion has a place ok it belongs in fuckin movies. Let us face it none of us feel true emotion at a first meeting. Dollface, this happens only and i mean ONLY in movies. Chicks seem all "mush mush make me vomit" but the reality is, you have more work to do. I don't want your feelings, listen to that song "that's what you get for waking up in Vegas" this may give you a clue. I friggin know better my friend. I want someone that can stand their own. Are you a mama's boy? if so, go the fuck home!!!! I married one of those little fuckbags and now that little fuck WISHES he could come home. Ok, so 15 monutes of wonder and joy; two minutes of joy and 13 wondering where the fuck the joy went. Yeah honey, you know me, you married me. You are the little douche that tries to caress my hair every time I am in your presence. Dude, your kids don't even like you, what the fuck makes you think I will?
Ok, rant done. Emotion is a very useful tool, but you are pulling it out toooooooooooooo soon. The first week is so NOT for this type of thing. You need to be making an impression. Chickie needs to know that you freakin dig being you and are digging her thus far. That is as far as the first week should go. No one wants to marry your ass in the first seven days. REALLY? I MEAN SERIOUSLY DUDE!!! Let me see you be you. Let me have you sweep me from my feet. Give me a reason other than your "oh poor me" shit to want to spend time with you. Leave your neediness at the door and show me you are a man. Yes, I want the equal rights, I want to vote, but I am a girl. I wanna be treated like a girl. Who gives a shit that I can rebuild the engine of a car? Who cares that I can drywall and tile? I wanna be treated like a lady. I want you to open the fuckin door and stand up when I leave the table. I don't want to hear your jealous bullshit, most of my friends are guys. Chicks are intimidated by me. I know who I am and what I am capable of and I carry myself in such a manner. Does this mean I should be treated like a piece of meat, UH NO!!! I AM GIRL, TREAT ME AS SUCH!!!!! Open the door, pull out the chair and leave your insecurity and jealousy at home where it belongs. There is plenty of time and room for that in your head. Keep it out of our faces or you are sure to be shot down.
Now, for you girls that let guys pull this shit and get away with it. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????????? What do you think the feminist movement was all about???? No, not simply equal rights, but being treated as we should. Yeah so we can accomplish the same tasks in life. Ok, good job but isn't it nice to have doors opened for you? Start expecting this shit. Teach our men that yes, we can do the same things but we are still soft and feminine. We will still dress nice, shave our legs, and apply makeup. I don't know about you, but having my cake and eating it sounds bloody phenomenal. So, treat your men like men. They are protectors and so much more, let them know it and be it. Be girls, be shiny and soft. There really is nothing wrong with being girl.
Boys. I so love the boys. Don't let the femme nazzis ruin shit for you, you are the protectors. You bloody rock. We can't live without you. So, that being said, be confident and own it. Don't feed the insanity, be MEN!!!! Gentlemen!!!! Leave the jealousy at home, girls hang with guys. Does that mean we want every one of them in our beds? NO!!!!! If we are going home with you and you know it then rock it!!!! No need for jealousy, just be you and see where it goes. One of my lines when I say something so dumb is "throw it out there and be the monkey, see where it goes". This may sound stupid, but say it a few times and get more from it. Be the gentleman, see where it goes.

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